PlayStation Emulator - FPseNG v1.10 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
- Renamed FPse64 to FPseNG coz too many people though it was a N64 emu
- Upgraded to Android 12 build tool
- Removed plugins download stage , much better
- Improved Multi players mode with FPseNG remote, sound is working well now and it's faster
- Fixed Potential crash when external gamepad is switched off
- Improved behavior when using external gamepad
- Added fullscreen support for camera cutout devices
By default enabled , disable it Advanced Settings/System/low profile
PlayStation Emulator - FPse v11.229 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
- Upgraded to Android 12 build tool
- Fixed Audio issue with RE3
- Fixed Potential crash when external gamepad is switched off
- Removed plugins download stage , much better
- Improved behavior when using external gamepad
- Added fullscreen support with camera cutout devices
By default enabled , to disable it Settings/Advanced Settings/System/low profile
Commodore Emulator - VICE v3.7 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
** general
- From now on VICE will write its version into the config file and show a
warning message when using a config file from a different version.
- The binary monitor interface is stable now. Examples of projects using it:
- Added Debian packages of development builds of the SDL2 and Gtk3 UIs and the
headless build (amd64 only).
You can find bleeding edge development builds on github:
Whenever you stumble about a bug, please try with the latest development build
first - perhaps we already fixed it :)
- Removed all kernal patching and load different ROM files instead. This is
easier to handle and more logical anyway :)
- Renamed all included ROM files to use a more elaborate naming scheme, for
example as in "kernal-901227-01.bin".
Unfortunately not all included files could be identified yet - if you have
related ROM dumps around yourself, please take your time to compare against
the following, and let us know if you can identify one of these files:
- C128 ROMs: kernalfi, kernalfr, kernalit, kernalno
- Printer ROMs: mps801.bin, mps803.bin, nl10.bin
(Wanted in all cases is what the markings on the actual chip read)
- CRT emulation improvements:
- uses measured (different) color coordinates for odd/even lines when possible
- added option for U-only delay line (1084 style)
- More realistic handling of the case when two paddles are selected at the same
- Keyboard handling was rewritten / fixed
- The case when two host keys are mapped to different CBM keys with different
modifiers is handled differently (correctly) now, so some old keymap(s) may
expose detail errors as a result - please report them!
- Fixed Shiftlock/Capslock mapping
- All extra keys that are not in the regular matrix are handled in generic
code now.
- used by C128 40/80 and CAPS keys, Restore
- extra keys can operate in "non locking" mode
- More realistic behaviour of the virtual drive
- always return 'files scratched' (instead of 'file not found'), even if the
file does not exist
- More realistic behaviour when mounting images:
- When attaching a d64 image to a 1571 drive, create an 'unformatted' image for
the second side.
- Create empty tracks for non existing tracks also when mounting gcr images
- SID fixes:
- use a few more bits for better accuracy when calculating the 8580 filter
DAC values.
- fix filter ringing/self oscillating with 6581 and 8580
- CIA fixes:
- Improved the CIA shift register.
- Fix the case when pb changes value after changing the control bits for
pb/pb7 output. Fixes the turn disk space detection of the 'Love' demo.
- Add SPT (Stupid Pet Tricks) userport joystick adapter emulation.
- Fixed use of SO_REUSEPORT on server sockets - this allowed multiple VICE
instances to bind to the same port, with an indeterminant one receiving each
incoming connection. Now uses SO_REUSEADDR instead, which allows use of a
port that remains in the TIME_WAIT state after a previous process closed,
but does not allow use of a port that is still in active use.
- Add DragonFly BSD support.
- Remove Android support.
RomVault v3.5.2 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
New Features
- Add a way to purge old DATs
- Filter for MIA ROMs
- Create default directories for new setups (DatRoot, RomRoot, ToSort)
- Handle locked files better during scanning
ROM Properties v2.1 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- Support for GTK4 UI frontends, e.g. Nautilus 43. Note that Nautilus 43 has significantly limited the functionality of property pages, so it's only partially implemented at the moment.
- Right-click menu option for "Convert to PNG" for supported texture files, e.g. DDS and KTX.
- rp-config now has a built-in update checker on the "About" tab.
- KTX2: RG88 texture format and swizzling are now supported.
Atari 400, 800, 400XL, 800XL, 130XE, and Atari 5200 Emulator - Atari++ v1.85 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
Visual Pinball v10.7.3 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- fix missing render updates when debugging/changing parameters in pause mode (10.7.0 regression)
- show bulb in UI/viewport
- fix primitive animations getting stuck
- fix primitive animation speed being dependent on the framerate
- fix material list combobox not updating
- fix missing decal UI updates (e.g. width,height)
- fix loading of greyscale/8bit JPEGs (10.7.2 regression)
- fix crash when bumper skirt is not visible
- do not fail to load a table if only the hash/checksum fails, but instead just output a warning
- do not attempt to play "" reel sound (which otherwise polluted the debug outputs)
- update BASS library to 2.4.17
ColecoVision Emulator - ColEm v5.6.5 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
- Switched to the latest DropBox SDK version.
- Switched to Android SDK 31 (Android 12).
- Switched to the JDK 11.
MacOS Emulator - SheepShaver v2.5 (20221222) - Released
- Details
- Category: Mac
What's New:
- Fix for Settings in macOS 13 (Ventura)
Amstrad CPC Emulator - CaPriCe Forever v22.12 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- Add tape convert operations into "Tape audio workshop" window;
- Review of configurable toolbar buttons;
- Support Albireo SD mode to share files with Windows;
- Improve ASIC emulation;
- Split emulator and device settings;
- Fix minor bugs.
Atari 2600 Emulator - StellaDS v6.5 - Released
- Details
- Category: Nintendo DS
What's New:
- Polished release - a few more tweaks, a few more optimizations and everything is running as fast science allows on the DS/DSi.
- Removed "ghost read" and "ghost writes" on the 6502 emulation for a bit more speed.
- Use of gcc "likely/unlikely" in a few key spots to help the compiler optimize.
Fightcade v2.1.35 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-53
- Allow to fast-fowrward and pause replays: Configure buttons to FFWD/pause/frame step by pressing F5 during game.
- Disabled "force 60Hz" framerate for online games: all games run at their original framerate now
- Add in-game turbo/autofire detector. Turbo users are automatically punished if turbo is used during a ranked match.
- Revamped stats overlay with fps, real time rollback frames, ping, jitter, and delay + runahead for both players
You can cycle between the options by pressing backspace during game like before or you can toggle them through the menu now:
Video -> Fightcade -> Display fps + stats: displays basic info
Video -> Fightcade -> Display full stats info: displays all info and now shows the opponent's delay and runahead setting
- When ingame chat is disabled by user, the opponent is now notified when the match starts
- Add new option "Game -> Lua Scripting -> Fightcade Training Mode" to load training mode from the emulator
Note: Use this option when watching a replay to display inputs, hitboxes, and do replay takeover
- Fixed bug where inputs stop working after using in-game chat with some XInput controllers
- New toggle "Input -> Fix dropped inputs" to detect and add missing cardinal directions when going from one diagonal to the opposite
- CPS scan memory fixes for CPS1 & CPS2, should fix some dsync issues in sf2hf (thanks dinkc64!)
Note: this change breaks all CPS1 & CPS2 savestates you may have created using previous versions.
- Taito F3 driver: save EEPROM data in savestates, should fix some desync issues (thanks KScl!)
- Add ability to access Sound CPU from lua (thanks N-Bee!)
- Add new emu.isreplay() lua function, returns true when spectating a Fightcade replay, false otherwise
- Fixed P2 coin input for Tecmosys games: tkdensho, deroon and clones (thanks i_arabe!)
- New games added: kof97evn nes_tetristpn kof98bc2k2 dinoares dinocunp dinocx3 dinohced dinombull dinopuni dinox5 jurass99p fatfurspbs sfiii4fs md_insanepain mslug2p mslug21v2 mslugxc1 mslugx1v2 mslugx2r mslugx2reb mslugx2r1v2 mslugxsc mslug3gw mslug3i mslug3sc mslug3se mslug3zh mslug3sd mslug31v2 mslug4ammor mslug4lwq mslug4q mslug41v2 mslug5dbj mslug5es mslug5sg mslug5zh mslug51v2 mslug5ext mslug2eg nes_ballblazer nes_conflict nes_defendyncit nes_doubledare nes_dudeswitatt nes_famicomwars nes_famicomwarsj nes_familcir91 nes_famista89 nes_famista90 nes_famista91 nes_famista92 nes_famista93 nes_famista93e nes_famista94 nes_fieldcombat nes_greatwalsea nes_intercri nes_magicjewelry nes_pacmance nes_puzslot nes_quarth nes_tagindragon nes_xenophobe nes_zippyrace
- Games updated: md_fightvengt nes_kartfighter xmcotan sms_voyage + mslug hacks
- New detectors: kf2k3ps2sp kof2kxxx md_clayfghtu md_ddragon5 md_pacattak md_smsbrawl md_vf2tek md_vrtroop md_wh wh1 wh2 xmcotan
- New savestates: denjinmk ffightaec2 kf2k3ps2sp kof2kxxx magdrop3te md_clayfghtu md_smsbraw md_vf2tek md_vrtroop mshbh popnpop umk3p xmcotan xmvsfcph
- Updated savestates: all cps1 & cps2 savestates, ssf2xjr1 set to JP turbo2 + bloodwar mwarr nes_skartfighter puchicar shogwarr
- Training mode:
Training mode can now be extended with custom addons:
- Generic addons (available for all games) in fbneo-training-mode/addon/addons.lua
- Game specific addons in fbneo-training-mode/games/<game>/addon/addons.lua
Added mission support for all games via a generic addon: Missions are a savestate and one or more input replay actions that run in loop. Create a mission by pressing the lua hotkey Alt+5.
When watching a Fightcade replay you can load training mode and press Alt+5 to save a mission, this allows to do replay takeover from any point in time. At the moment only P1 is supported.
To load a mission: hold coin in training mode to access the training menu, then go to Add-On -> Missions, then select the desired mission.
Fixed bug that prevented disabling hitbox display
New features for ssf2x: safe jump display, disable background sound, SF6 FrameData Bars, walk super training, boxer stand charge glitch training, etc...
ClrMamePro v4.047 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- The update only contains a small 3rd party lib update mainly to put zlib to a current status.
Atari ST Emulator - Steem SSE v4.1.2 R6 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- Disable snapshot saving when emulation thread running
- Some GUI adjustments
PlayStation Emulator - no$psx v2.2 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- cdrom/emu/help: chd compression (thanks null for many test cases)
- cdrom/emu/help: pbp compression (partially supported, without encryption)
- irq: more accurate port 1F8010F4h dma irq handling (and removed alone_fix)
- windows: closes child windows (help,iomap,tty,etc) on exit (regain keyb focus)
- windows: uses SendNotifyMessage instead SendMessage for broadcast (avoid hang)
- bios clone: cd-audio player shows both left/right waveforms (white/gray)
- spu: bugfixed capture (voice 3 was accidently written to 400h instead C00h)
- cdrom/setup: scex mode optionally normal, unlicensed, dumb/stealth modchip
- cdrom: command 04h,05h,10h,11h,1Dh trigger error 80h when disk is stopped
- cdrom/emu: allocates larger cue sheet (for many tracks with multiple indices)
- cpu: conditional jump reserved bits (emulated, with optional warning)
- cpu: conditional bltzal/bgezal always set ra=$+8 (even when condition=false)
- cpu: emulates mul/div timings, fixed JALR opcode (for unstable rd=rs)
- cpu: emulates lwl/lwr as generic 'any_mem_ecx_mac' memory access
- cpu: emulates irq triggered after NEXT opcode after SR.bit0 changing 0-to-1
- cpu: emulates opcode.bit26-27 stored in cause.bi28-29
- cpu: allows/warns on unused/mirrored COP0 opcodes (vs invalid TLB opcodes)
- timers: fixed cmall clock cycle leak in process_event function
- gte: supports cop2 disable, emulates cop2cmd timings
- gte: accurate mvmva glitches for Vx=2 and Mx=3 (thanks mednafen source code)
- gte: fixed overflow flags for nclip/gpl
- gte: reading IRGB/ORGB registers takes 1 extra clock cycle (when gte busy)
- cop1/cop3: supports dummy cop1/cop3 opcodes (when enabled in SR.bit29/bit31)
- cop0: emulates glitchy jf/jt/lwc0/swc0 opcodes (versus SR.bit28)
- compression help: added note on BIOS/GUI using same LZSS as Destruction Derby
- kernel/help: added notes on NOPs in exception handler C(06h)
- debug/ass/dis: movl/movr opcodes (alias for native lwl/swl/lwr/swr opcodes)
- debug/iomap: resolves DMA control flags (IE,IF,prio from DICR/DPCR)
- help: added dtl-h2000-only CDROM kernel functions; in A(79h) .. A(8Fh) range
- help: added note about faulty SetSession TOC reading in older cdrom firmwares
- help: added note on undocumented cause.bit30 (branch delay condition)
- a22i: fixed slt(i)(u) opcode in native asm syntax
- file formats: blaster master chunks, ape escape sound archives, xz, upx, bm
WinUAE Configurations Set - MagicUAE23 - Added
- Details
- Category: Windows
MagicUAE23 is an optimized configurations set for WinUAE.
Every configurations has the closest display and behavior of the original models.
Commodore 64 Emulator - Hoxs64 v1.1.2.2 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- Regression fix to save joystick settings the to registry; put back missing key values "Joy1GUID" and "Joy2GUID".
GBA / GBC / NES Emulator - VGBAnext v6.6.4 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
- Switched to the latest DropBox SDK version.
- Switched to Android-31 SDK (Android 12).
- Switched to the JDK 11.
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