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What's New:

New features
- New dialog for creating Flash images, which is also available in the Mobile UI!
- Running as 64bit application on Windows is supported now
- Polish translation is available now
- CX II (/-T/CAS) calculators can now be emulated! However, with the current dumping programs you will not get a complete bootrom and booting the OS will fail.

- Multiple files can be sent in the Mobile UI and by dropping them into the main window on desktop
- Reimplemented emulation speed control: Now it's more accurate, especially on Windows
- GitHub actions now performs automated builds for Android (armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a in one APK), macOS and Windows (32bit and 64bit) on releases and pull requests
- The "installer" for OS (and later?) works now. It requires fastboot RAM to persist state across reboots, which is now implemented.
- More accurate emulation of the On button: It's now possible to enter Press-To-Test mode
- Faster saving and loading of snapshots
- More reliable USB file transfers
- The debugger console now includes entered commands in the log
- Support for PIE (position-independent executables) on x86_64. Previously, care needed to be taken that PIE was disabled, otherwise it would crash on start.
- Building the JIT is disabled automatically if the platform does not support it
- Firebird builds on FreeBSD

- File access on Android got fixed
- Fix placement of keypad buttons in the touchpad area
- Various fixes for the Mobile UI layout
- The kit configuration page in the Mobile UI no longer causes the keyboard to pop up by default
- Connecting with GDB on windows works now
- Some shades of grey were not displayed properly when emulating pre-CX models
- Fix crash on AArch64/arm64 when executing certain instructions
- The keypad reacts to touch events in the desktop version as well now
- Some places were no longer translated correctly after the introduction of language switching in 1.5
- Keys could get stuck on focus changes. Now they're all released when the keypad loses focus
- The Ctrl key now changes color when pressed
- Emulation speed no longer remains unlimited after a failed file transfer