Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator - jgnes v0.3.0 - Added
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
A cross-platform NES emulator. Has a native frontend built using SDL2 as well as a web frontend that compiles to WASM and runs in the browser.
Game Boy Advance Emulator - Pizza Boy GBA Pro v2.5.7 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
Fixed broken audio on some title
Sega Dreamcast Emulator - Flycast Dojo v0.5.33 - Pre-Release
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- Controls: SOCD Resolution Options
- Diagonal Correction: SOCD Defaults to Last Input for X & Y
- GGPO: Increase Protocol Version
* Prevents players from connecting if they are on different versions. Prevents desyncs.
- Remove Diagonal Correction as Default, Keep as Toggle
- Fixed Frequency: Demolish Fist, Force Audio Sync
- Linux: Copy arcade flash memory from shared dir if available
- Linux: Prepare for Linux packing, distinct binary name
* In preparation for Arch Linux build scripts. Cleanly compiles and does not conflict with flycast package in AUR.
Datafile for Raine v0.95.5 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
Updated to newest Release
Multiple Emulator Frontend - Nostlan v2.2 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- updated Nintendo Switch database includes Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom!
Game Boy Advance Emulator - NanoBoyAdvance v1.7.1 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- PPU: disallow out-of-bounds BG VRAM tile fetches and return open bus (fixes #298)
- Core: do not skip to the next event if the CPU woke up during a DMA (fixes #297)
- KeyPad: always request IRQs from the emulator (not the calling) thread (fixes #290)
- GameDB: fix entries for a bunch of Classic NES and Famicom Mini titles (fixes #302)
- IO: do not enter STOP mode when it is not implemented
- mGBA log: clear the message buffer after printing the message
- mGBA log: flush STDOUT after each message
- Catch fmt::system_error when fmt::print() fails to write to STDOUT (fixes #301)
Game Boy / Game Boy Color Emulator - jgb v0.10.7 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
Enable "fat" link-time optimizations in the release builds to dramatically reduce executable binary sizes:
CtrlUI v1.96.0.0 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- DirectXInput: Holding the touchpad now starts video screen capture.
- Miscellaneous application improvements and fixes.
Multiple System Emulator - Clock Signal v2023-05-15 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- adds MSX-MUSIC (i.e. OPLL) support for the MSX 2;
- introduces missing MSX configuration options for the Qt build; and
- adds a file association for .mx2 files.
Cemu Graphic Packs v898 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
[BotW] Add new yemaowuxin's preset to clarity options
BK Emulator v3.13.2305.10355 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
Google Translate:
- Emulate C Bug - an option to emulate the bug of the C feature flag. The description was somewhere, when I find it, I will describe it in the documentation. Enabled by default.
- Emulate 177702 behavior - an option to emulate the correct behavior of register 177702. This is when you write something into it, and it disappears from the bus. Enabled by default. It is recommended to turn it off in order to programmatically detect the emulator / real hardware. If disabled, then when writing to the register, it does not disappear from the bus, but the number 177777 is always read from it.
- Emulate CPU 1801VM1G - the option enables the features of the K1801VM1G processor: the MUL hardware command and the BE timer interrupt. Disabled by default.
- Emulate EIS Instructions Set - this option enables hardware execution of MUL, DIV, ASH, ASHC instructions. Disabled by default.
- Emulate FIS Instructions Set - this option enables hardware execution of FADD, FSUB, FMUL, FDIV instructions. Disabled by default.
Amstrad CPC Emulator - AMSpiriT v0.863 Beta - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- Various small fixes on FDC and CRTC emulation
- Improving the implementation of the Additional Roms
- Fixed a bug on PSG emulation
- AMSpiriT can be executed by a command line
Atari 5200 Emulator - A5200DS v3.4a - Released
- Details
- Category: Nintendo DS
What's New:
- Another frame or two of performance from memory optmizations.
- Removed lots of obsoleted code to streamline the build.
- Added a new DSi special build that will finally run Bosconian at full speed with speech as long as you are in DSi (2x CPU) mode.
- Added tweaks and support for latest homebrew carts like Rob-N-Banks.
- Version 3.4a fixes the high-score file name.
DOSBox Frontend - Dapplegrey v8.5.2 - Released
- Details
- Category: Mac
What's New:
The Edit description button is visible on the Game Info panel only, finally. In previous versions, unfortunately this button was visible on other panels as well, hiding other buttons for the particular panes.
Multiple Systems Emulator - ZEsarUX v10.3 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
There are lots of changes in this version, but some of them are remarkable:
Added machines Amstrad PCW 8256, PCW 8512, CPC 6128, CPC 664
Fixed 3" CF2 floppy disk emulation (used on +3, CPC, PCW): the floppy disk emulation has been rewritten from scratch and now is near perfect
Lots of improvements on Debug CPU window
Fixed almost all annoying audio clicks on Windows version (and on SDL audio driver on Linux)
The full changelog for this version 10.3 is:
New things added:
Added Machine Amstrad PCW 8256
Added Machine Amstrad PCW 8512
Added Machine Amstrad CPC 6128
Added Machine Amstrad CPC 664
Added Visual Floppy to see floppy disk (+3, CPC, PCW, Betadisk) activity
Added DSK disk info menu: to get tracks and sectors of a disk
Added F-Functions: Poke, Visual Real Tape, Settings, Switch footer
Added Process Switcher window, which is like a "Taskbar" on the ZX Desktop
Added ZRCP command: "close-all-menus"
Added icon/F-key to open any window identified by its name
Allow F-keys to assign extra info for actions (like window name on openwindow action, or snapshot name on linktosnapshot action)
Added more Hotswap combinations
Added Advanced menu items: now by default, advanced menu items are hidden, you should enable them on Settings->Advanced menu items
Added command line setting --machinelist to get machines list names whitespace separated
Added .POK file Smartloading
Added XEyes "Toy" to follow mouse
Added Sierpinsky Meter Type to View Sensors
Improved Debug CPU:
switched function keys "m" and "o": now "x" change mode, and "m" change memptr (to be coherent with other similar windows)
added (hl), (de), (bc)
added (nn) when selecting an opcode like: ld reg,(nn) and ld (nn),reg
added (ix+d), (iy+d) when selecting an opcode like: ld reg,(IX+d), etc
added continuos speed 4 (run 10 opcodes every time, with no pause)
show last memory pointer when changing it
show B register on satisfy condition for DJNZ
added new functions OPMRV(e), OPMWV(e), OPMRA(e), OPMWA(e): these return 1 if the last opcode has set any of these variables to e.
added pseudoregister EPC to parser to match memory bank and offset for PC register
allow holding keys for quick cursor move, etc
watches now show numbers in hexadecimal format
Improved Debug Console: better refresh, dynamic width
Improved Debug Messages: allow to filter by message class (DSK, PD765, etc...)
Improved Debug I/O ports window: autoresize content height when do not fit in window
Improved Configuration:
better parsing: warning when ZEsarUX has been downgraded
if unknown parameter on configuration file, warn the user but start anyway
moved showing Configuration file from Running info menu to Settings-> Configuration file
Improved DSK viewer:
better filesystem detection
show hidden and read only files
show disk specification format
show where files are located on Visual Floppy
Improved View Sprites:
sprite is no longer disabled when changing memory pointer
you can view sprites up to 1024x1024
show PCW common format screen
Improved ZX Desktop:
dynamic icons (Trash, My Machine, ...) assigned on top buttons now show dynamic state (trash empty/full, current machine image, etc)
show icon indicators for open apps on ZX Desktop
added setting to empty Trash on exit
fixed icons zoom level when selecting some machines that use menu gui zoom = 2 (Next, CPC, QL, etc)
ZX Desktop size now is multiplied by GUI Zoom (Zoom 2 on machines like Next, CPC, QL, etc)
CF2 Floppy icon (+3, CPC, PCW) now is animated when motor is on
Improved ZX Vision:
added windows-style TaskBar called "Process Switcher"
added Process ID (PID) for all windows
text input fields now handle repeated keys
some text input fields now have history of last items, and history is saved on configuration file
added function to maximize all windows
allow reducing character height
improved window list showing spent time on each window and pid of each window/process
improved rendering background windows
yes/no confirmation dialogs are translated to si/no in Spanish and Catalan
added more menu translations to Spanish and Catalan
Improved DSK extractor: better filesystem detection
Improved ZSF Snapshots: allow to save ROM contents, useful when running custom roms
Improved File selector: can show recent folders (press space on recent files)
Improved changing pointer on some windows: can use an expression when changing memory pointer on Debug CPU, View Sprites, Hexdump, Disassemble, Poke
Improved changing to machines with big displays (Next, QL, CPC...): zoom is autochanged to 1
Improved joystick type selection
Improved Raspberry Pi emulation: performance parameters are not changed by default anymore, you must use "--changeslowparameters" on slow Rpi like Rpi1 or 2
Fixed Spectrum +3 disk emulation: the disk emulation layer has been rewritten from scratch and now is near perfect.
Just some statistics from testing 943 total Spectrum +3 disks:
-Unprotected games: 98.3 % working
-Paul Owens protected games: 85.7 % working
-Speedlock protected games: 54.2 % working
-Alkatraz protected games: 0 % working
-Unknown method protected games: 0 % working (a total of 15 disks that seem to be protected but don't know the method)
Fixed almost all annoying audio clicks on Windows version (and on SDL audio driver on Linux)
Fixed empty results when querying some games on Speccy online browser
Fixed random crash on startup on Linux when executing some network operations (check updates, check last users, send updates)
Fixed segfaults when exiting using CTRL-C
Fixed autoload on Spectrum +3
Fixed bug that may crash ZEsarUX when changing to a machine with bigger resolution. It seems to affect Linux and Windows but not Mac. This is a bug that has always existed (a "long life bug" XD)
Fixed showing creator on DSK file viewer
Fixed pause: can now return when pressing mouse button too
Fixed assembler parsing expressions (NN) and NN is an hexadecimal number
Fixed debug step over and sending keys to emulated machine
Fixed setting "set machine snap load" when loading .Z80 version 1 snapshots
Fixed real joystick menu disabled on Mac OS when switching border
Fixed putting Text Adventure Map window on background
Misc Changes:
Persistent writes on DSK files (+3/CPC/PCW disks) are now disabled by default
As always, there are some other minor bugfixes and improvements
dgVoodoo 2 v2.8.2 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- Fixing D3D8/9 update-texture again (regressive bug) (Ys Seven, Valley Benchmark, ...)
- Support for D3D12 triangle fans if the OS runtime and your driver supports it (Win11)
* This removes some software overhead in D3D8/9 Draw calls in certain cases
* There is a new dbg layer message for what D3D12 optional features are available and used
- A bug is fixed in the D3D9 FVF validator (Lord of the Rings - War in the North, missing foliage)
- Fractional viewports instead of shader code for D3D11 FL11.0+ (Test Drive Unlimited 2 through D3D11)
- Refactoring DDI blitting code (optimization, dev-only feature)
BK Emulator v3.13.2304.10353 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
Google Translate:
- Fixing a bug that KUVO found - debug glitches on odd PC.
- Added option to set different kind of screenshot file name format.
- At the request of Gryphona, we extend the option "CPU stop after starting the emulator" to load the state.
- Now, if you enable this option and save the state with it, then it will put the emulator into a debug break when loading, and you will need to start it manually.
- Simulated the behavior of register 177702, now if something is written to it, it disappears until an EMT command or a reboot is performed.
- fiddling with the user interface:
* Added some icons;
* Added a button to the toolbar to interrupt on vector 100 or 270;
* Split too large "Configuration" menu into two: "Configuration" and "Management";
* In the "About" window, plain text has been replaced with html for beauty.
- Updated MSF documentation to the latest version.
Steam ROM Manager v2.4.16 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- Image timeouts issue should be resolved. If it isn't resolved for you try lowering the batch size in settings.
- Duplicates being added when upgrading from 2.4.14 to 2.4.15.
- Ability to set batch size for image downloads in settings
- Automatically retry image downloads up to 4 times.
- DNS resolution now happens in SRM and uses caching.
MAME Classic v9.9.0 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
Changed : MAME Classic no longer adds the depreciated "<NULL> (not set)" text for entries in the mame.ini without a value.
Changed : MAME Classic will now create the mame.ini file in it's temp folder to avoid possible conflicts with other ini files.
Changed : Software lists will now only display software which is compatible with the selected machine.
Changed : The BIOS Filter now shows the BIOS description and filters more accurately.
Changed : The Exit routine has been cleaned up to prevent the app from crashing on exit under rare conditions.
Changed : The MESS Machine listview can now be sorted.
Changed : The MESS Machine listview would show non-installed machines in black if they didn't need a ROM but still needed a device file. These machines now show in red.
Changed : The Options form is now one scrolling page instead of two pages.
Changed : The Path selections now let you select multiple paths for ROMs and Artwork.
Fixed : Exporting a software list would fail if any filters were applied.
Fixed : A crash caused by output file biosmame.txt growing so large.
Fixed : Software Installed/Non-Installed option buttons could be greyed-out even if a selected machine has software.
Removed : Path selections for Other MAME ROMs, Ini and Comments.
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