Flycast Dojo - Windows

Flycast Dojo is a fork of Flycast, a multi-platform Sega Dreamcast, Naomi and Atomiswave emulator derived from Reicast, with a focus on netplay features and replay. We intend to keep Flycast Dojo updated with the latest downstream changes made to the parent project.
Flycast Dojo can be retrieved from GitHub, or as a part of the Fightcade matchmaking service. However you obtain it, you will always have the option to use it standalone for P2P games using Match Codes over an internet matchmaking server, through a direct IP connection, or a virtual LAN like ZeroTier or Radmin.
For quick start guides, frequently asked questions, online replays, and community links where you can find people to play against, head to the Flycast Dojo site.
General information about Flycast configuration and supported features can be found on TheArcadeStriker's flycast wiki
For general emulator help and updates on Flycast Dojo, check out the #netplay room of the Flycast Discord.
For Fightcade-specific help, be sure to read the pins and ask questions in the #flycast-emulator channel on the Fightcade Discord