MS-DOS Player

What's New:

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We have incorporated the corrections from the forks of
cracyc and roytam .
These include file access using FCB and fixing exceptions around the FPU of the MAME version i386 core.
Also, the DAA/DAS/AAA/AAS/AAM/AAD instructions of the MAME version i386 core were modified based on the DOSBox implementation.
In the Pentium4 version, testi386.exe now gives the same results as the actual machine.

The I386 core of NP21/W has been updated to ver0.86 rev92 beta2 equivalent.
Also, fixed the warning so that it does not appear when building.

Enhanced checks when referencing an incorrect environment table when accessing environment variables.
The issue where testi386.exe stopped working in recent builds has been resolved.
Improved efficiency of memory access processing.
Basic memory, extended memory, and reserved areas (VRAM, etc.) are accessed in this order with fewer conditional branches.
Processing speed may be slightly increased.