MedGui Reborn

What's New:

- Fixed do not worked rom sorter after launched a game
- Fixed broken boxart and update download on Win XP
- Ignored ssl certificate on webclient
- Set Mute Discord by default on MedClient
- Cosmetic change on Cheat Manager
- Changed qwebirc nick default user
- Added support for ps1 bios extracted from ps3 firmware
- Added Favourites to MedClient comboconsole
- Fixed empy boxart when a download attempt fails (thx Boubikos for bug report)
- Fixed Cheat Manager for pce_fast module
- Fixed netbutton behavior on textual medgui menu when you start a netplay session by medclient
- Organized and grouped in a better way the file extension on file open window
- Added "Clean entries from list" on Advanced menu
- Always enabled "Remove from list" option on Adavnced Menu
- Added text clipboard copy when you perform a left double click mouse button on "Version" info on the right medguir tab
- Added m3u suffix to multi-disc game names to make it easier for the user to recognize them
- Added preliminary support for Custom CSV game list (using MedGuiR CSV Creator)
- Added new "Switchres" parameter for @psakhis emu4crt Mednafen fork
- Added new parameters for next Mednafen 1.32.0-UNSTABLE
- Merged any Pull Requests from @click4dylan MedGuiR Fork
- Updated 7z.dll to the last version
- Updated Modern7z.dll to the last version