Attract-Mode - Windows (32bit)  Attract-Mode - Windows (64bit)  Attract-Mode (Source)

What's New:

- Update to version 2.7.0
- [MacOS X] work on github action to build Mac package on release
- Various fixes for font handling / font and language selection
- Update extlibs/nowide to v.11.2.0
- Retired the Reflect and Particle Animation layouts from the main project
- Removed deprecated libavresample
- Fix incorrect bounds check
- Fixes for filters based on playcount, playtime, file availability - correctly update filter list after playing a game if list is sorted on playcount or playtime, including by repositioning current selection if necessary - switch statistics to be kept per game and emulator instead of per game and romlist - added lazier loading of play stats, only load them if/when necessary

- Small fixes for attracman and orbit layouts
- Update stb_image to 2.28
- Fix for github workflow
- Update to expat 2.5.0
- Fixed aspect ratio on filter grid and grid layouts
- Added default background for Orbit layout
- Updates to Attrac-Man and Orbit sample layouts
- Fix display of some videos after last commit
- Remove mamedb scraper source (dead URL)
- Issue #720 - Try to fix video crashing
- [Linux] Issue #713 - Fix compile on Ubuntu Bionic
- Issue #717 - plugged some memory leaks
- Small fix to last commit
- [linux] added missing error handling for X11 window initialization
- added release.yml
- Use standard c++11 threads and mutexes
- Start using c++11, update makefile to use CPPFLAGS,CXXFLAGS
- Update stb_image.h to 2.27
- [linux] keep full screen as the default window mode on linux
- Fix NO_SWF=1 compile, lazy init image loader thread
- Remove swf dependency from fe_base
- [linux] Change _WM_STATE flags set in 'Fillscreen' mode on X11
- Use backward-cpp for a stack trace if we crash
- Fixed Back button behaviour when 'groups clones' is on
- Added "Group Clones" feature, which groups all clones in one list entry
- Fix various errors/issues detected by cppcheck
- Update nowide to version 11.1.3
- Fix compile with NO_SWF=1
- Update to miniz 2.2.0
- Update to expat 2.2.6
- Only use const AVCodec where AVFORMAT version >= 59.0.100
- [windows] removed attract-console.exe from the windows package
- Update src/media.cpp to use modern FFmpeg API
- makefile: add back the additional CXX flags
- Fix build with USE_DRM=1
- Fix build with USE_DRM=1
- Fix for cross-platform mxe build.
- Fix string out of bounds access issue
- Fix build issue with recent ffmpeg
- Run exit_command at end of main()
- Fix exit codes for some command-line options
- Ignore EOF on do_flush
- Resolve Lintian warnings
- Resolve Lintian description warning
- Define Debian format 3.0 (native)
- Change libavresample-dev to libswresample-dev
- Include libxrandr-dev in Build-Depends
- Support roms in subdirectories
- Fix video related crashes