Kernal64 - Windows  Kernal64 - Linux

What's New:

- New keyboard layout handling: now it is possible to use a more natural layout assigning different host keys to the same emulated key. The layout configuration is stored inside a configuration file, depending on the emulated machine. Each configuration file can contain different layout for different operating system. See Wiki for details.
- New virtual keyboard and keyboard editor: it's possible to enter key using a virtual keyboard. It's possible to edit the keyboard configuration or create a new one from scratch.
- New look and feel Flatlaf (thanks to
- Added support for palette configuration loading from file (vpl) for both VIC (I,II) and VDC
- Fixed disk issues when user change disk

- Improvements for 2Mhz emulation
- Improved MMU (
- Minimal modifications to D030 registry: still partially supported
- Added ASCII/DIN handling for multilingual char rom set. Fixed 128/64 char rom reloading

- Added Super Explode cartridge
- Added RAM Cart cartridge
- Added Isepic cartridge

- Addes support for WiC64