IBMulator - Windows  IBMulator - Linux  IBMulator (Source)

What's New:

Changes since v0.15
- Added virtual serial modem emulation
- Added support for RetroArch slang shaders
- Added virtual 9-pin dot-matrix color printer emulation
- Fixed program crash with IBM Advanced Diags
- Fixed random CMOS image corruptions
- Fixed "timer not in use" error on state restore
- Improved handling of the -c command line parameter

Changes to ibmulator.ini
- Added new section [modem]
- Added new section [printer]
- The [display] section has been revamped for the new shaders system
- Modem options have been added to the [soundfx] section

New default key bindings
- CTRL+F2: opens the shader's parameters window
- CTRL+SHIFT+F4: opens the virtual printer window