Multiple System Frontend - SimpleLauncher v2.11.1.15 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- Improved mechanism to handle games without cover. Users now have more options.
- Enhanced error logging mechanism.
- Implemented handling for the loading of corrupted images into the UI. Users will be notified of corrupted image files. The corrupted image will be replaced with the default image.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Corrected some variable names.
Multiple Emulator Frontend - GameEx Arcade Edition v18.63 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
Tandy MC10, Matra Hachette Alice 4k, Alice 32 and Alice 90 Emulator - DCALICE v20240319 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
Google Translate:
- The .bin extension is valid and equivalent to .rom for cartridge files.
- Fixed the generation of timer interrupts following an emulator error with a new game.
- Fixed an oversight in the interrupt processing routine: interrupts must be hidden.
BBC Micro Emulator - b2 v20240319 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
Fix build matrix exclusions list.
Game Boy BW/Color Emulator - Kevboy v0.3.1 - Added
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
A Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator in Rust.
NES Emulator - GoNES v0.0.1 - Added
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
GoNES is a NES emulator written in Go. In it's current state it has a very basic GUI and the author states around 85% compatibility.
Multiple System Frontend - SimpleLauncher v2.11.0.5 - Added
- Details
- Category: Windows
As the name implies, SimpleLaunches is a basic frontend that supports the majority of console and arcade emulators. As with most frontends, setup is a bit time consuming but not too difficult.
IBM PC Emulator - MartyPC v0.2.0 - Added
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
Currently, MartyPC can emulate an original IBM 5150 PC, 5160 XT, or a generic XT clone machine.
DreamShell v4.0.0 - Added
- Details
- Category: Dreamcast
The Dreamshell is the operating system for the Sega Dreamcast based on the KallistiOS kernel. It has a dynamic loadable modular system and interface for creating applications with XML UI and both C/C++ and Lua script on. You can see examples in ready-made applications and modules, drivers for various devices, formats and interfaces. Examples for audio and video decoding, compression, packaging, binding, network, emulation, scripts and more. From hardcore low-level assembler to high-level applications. There are also large subproject is the ISO Loader, which contains emulation of BIOS system calls, CDDA playback and VMU, also it can hooking interrupts for various SDKs and more.
ZX Spectrum Emulator - SpecEmu v3.4 build 050324 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- Fixed a crash that can happen when saving very large blocks to TAP files.
- Fixed where loading a memory snapshot might not restore the correct 128K display.
- Added some level of protection against broken TZX files.
HP Calculator Emulator - Plus42 v1.1.6 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
Fixed keyboard mapping bug in the equation editor. This bug was caused by the alternate direct command mapping changes in 1.1.5.
ColecoDS v9.4b - Released
- Details
- Category: Nintendo DS
What's New:
9.4b - Einstein RAMDISK now unified in /data/ directory (rather than have one for each directory of .dsk files)
9.4b - Tweaks to the CTC timer engine for Einstein JSW2
Weekly Updates 03-18-24
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
These are emulators that are updated several times a day to a couple times a week.
Many of these emulators can be updated to the lastest "nightly builds" from within the emulator itself.
I'm posting the latest versions every Monday or Tuesday for those who may be interested.
PlayStation Emulator - Duckstation 03-18-24
Multiple System Emulator - FinalBurn Neo Nightly 03-18-24
PlayStation 2 Emulator - PCSX2 Nightly v1.7.5623
PlayStation Emulator - PCSX-Redux Nightly 03-16-24
Nintendo Switch Emulator - Ryujinx v1.1.1239
PlayStation Vita Emulator - Vita3K Nightly 03-18-24
Xbox 360 Emulator - Xenia (Canary) 03-18-24
Sega Saturn Emulator - Yaba Sanshiro v1.14.5 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
Support for launching from frontends like Daijjisho.
Emulator Bundle - WinDS Pro v2024.03.17 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
New Version of WinDS PRO 03.24.17 with updates to project64, DeSmuMe, melonDS, ares, dolphin, pcsx-redux, duckstation, pcsx2, ppsspp, rpcs3, flycast, xenia, bizhawk.
Cemu Graphic Packs v904 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
[BotW] Add Glowing White to GlowingGuardianColor
Atari 8bit Emulator - Altirra v4.21 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
Features Added
– UI: Added support for more direct file association setting on Windows 11.Bugs Fixed
– Cassette: Fixed a crash that could occur when loading raw tape audio.
– CPU: Fixed incorrect LDA (zp) and STA (zp) execution in 65C02 mode only.
– Input: Fixed a crosstalk problem between ports 1/2 and 3/4.
– Simulation: 5200 uses floating bus again (Star Raiders fixed).
– UI: Fixed internal BASIC option not being selectable for the XEGS.
Supermodel Frontend - Sega Model 3 UI v1.0.7.2 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- display the number of Rom files you own.
- Availability is now displayed within the game list.
- Message window no longer appears when determining position and resolution
- If a window goes missing when setting the position and resolution, press the R key on your keyboard and it will return to the main monitor.
- Rows for selected games are no longer visible
Sega Dreamcast Emulator - Flycast v2.3 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
What's New
- Battle Cable support
- SystemSP hopper games: kingyo, manpuku, shateki, magicpop, unomedal, puyomedal, ochaken and westdmrg
- Club Kart card reader support
- Gamepad dead zone and saturation settings
- Switch: touchscreen and joycon rumble support, bug fixes, performance improvements
- HID barcode scanner support for card games (Mushi King, Dinosaur King, Love & Berry)
Fixed Games
- Initial D v2/v3
- Melty Blood: Act Cadenza
- Confidential Mission
- The Maze of the Kings
- Spikers Battle
- NBA Showtime
- NHL 2K2
- Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
- Monkey Ball
- Crackin'DJ 1 and 2
- F355 (Naomi)
- Samurai Shodown VI
- Shenmue
- Test Drive Le Mans
- Sakura Taisen 3
- Death Crimson 2
- Force Five
- NHL 2K2
- Shakatto Tambourine
- Xtreme Sports
- Blue Stinger
- RevolveR
- Kaen Seibo
- Nittere Shiki! Mirai Yosou Studio
- Shakatto Tambourine Arcade
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