
MacMAMEinfoX is a front-end for MAME that is, an application that provides a subjectively better user interface than that which is built into MAME. (If you don't know what MAME is, go and look at its official web site.) MacMAMEinfoX displays a variety of information about games emulated by MAME, and helps you find and select a game to launch.
* Display information from MAME XML game list (including driver flags, such as imperfect graphics)
* Flexible sorting options
* iTunes-like instant searching
* Display information from mameinfo.dat and history.dat
* Organise games with category files such as catlist (MacMAME or MAME32 format)
* Show screenshots and other associated images
* Quickly open relevant web pages (MAWS, Progetto Emma, etc.)
* Plug-ins allow many versions of MAME to be supported
* Simple user interface for configuring most SDLMAME options
* Per-game options