
Software that emulates the XBox on Windows operating systems.

Cxbx is a beta release and you may experience crashes, lock-ups or worse.

Note: there are several different branches of Cxbx. The original by caustik has not been updated since around 2008, A Wine branch by haxar was active as of mid 2012, a long running branch by Shogun3D was active as of mid 2015, and at the moment the most recent branch is by Echelon9. I've made the decision to just host the latest release. If you are interested in any of the other branches simply follow the above links and compile yourself  :)

This also makes version / revision numbers a bit futile.

The following games are known to be playable:

Turok Evolution
Smashing Drive
Robotech: Battlecry

File Size:
358.71 kB
27 October 2015
1063 x
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