Tetanes - Windows
Tetanes - Windows

Tetanes - Windows
File Size:
7.06 MB
12 June 2024
17 x
TetaNES is a cross-platform emulator for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) released in Japan in 1983 and North America in 1986, written in Rust using wgpu. It runs on Linux, macOS, Windows, and in a web browser with Web Assembly.
It started as a personal curiosity that turned into a passion project. It is still being actively developed with new features and improvements constantly being added. It is a fairly accurate emulator that can play most NES titles.
TetaNES is also meant to showcase using Rust's performance, memory safety, and fearless concurrency features in a large project. Features used in this project include complex enums, traits, generics, matching, iterators, channels, and threads.
- Runs on Linux, macOS, Windows, and Web.
- Standalone emulation core in tetanes-core.
- NTSC, PAL and Dendy emulation.
- Headless Mode when using tetanes-core.
- Pixellate and NTSC filters.
- Up to 4 players with gamepad support.
- Zapper (Light Gun) support using the mouse.
- iNES and NES 2.0 ROM header formats supported.
- 14 supported mappers covering ~85% of licensed games.
- Game Genie Codes.
- Configurable while running using egui.
- Increase/Decrease speed & Fast Forward
- Visual & Instant Rewind
- Save & Load States
- Battery-backed RAM saves
- Screenshots
- Gameplay recording and playback
- Audio recording
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