RM-TEAM PMD 85 Emulator

Emulator is developed under VCL framework on OS Microsoft Windows. It's compiled and linked with all needed libraries so that can run without any additional installation or OS updating.
Emulation of all basic models: PMD 85-1, PMD 85-2, PMD 85-2A, PMD 85-3, selection from three multiple scales of display + Full Screen mode, possibile to color display with customization of palette colors, real and accurate sound via DirectSound and more.
* emulation of all basic models: PMD 85-1, PMD 85-2, PMD 85-2A, PMD 85-3
* emulation of PMD 85 Compatibles: Maťo a Consul 2717
* possibile to use any ROM file
* custom configuration of ROM modules - possible to create custom ROM packages
* selection from three multiple scales of display + Full Screen mode
* possibile to color display with customization of palette colors
* real and accurate sound via DirectSound
* emulation of tape-recorder - reading with flash loading and sound monitoring, writing and editing of tape possibility
* emulation of diskette unit PMD 32
* emulation of Musica sound interface
* emulation of 4004/482 Joystick
* emulation of printers and plotters
* screenshot of display to clipboard or BMP file
* read/write of memory part from/to file
* integrated Debugger with many options of inspecting of memory, tracing and register changing; i8080 or Z80 instruction notation; disassembling to file
* searching and memory modification in Debugger
* snapshots
* POKE dialog