WinEMU is a Commodore 16, Commodore 232, and Commodore plus/4 emulator. Has its own setup frontend and is pretty easy to use. Most programs played well with only a few having some graphic distortion.
Emulated graphics:
* All character and gfx modes:
- normal character mode
- extended color mode
- multicolor character mode 121+7 colors, flash attribute
* Full cursor emulation
* 38/40 character mode
* 25/24 character mode
* Blank screen
* Borders in DirectDraw 400x300, 512x384 and 800x600 modes
Emulated CPU:
* Normal instruction set
* Nearly all undocumented instructions...
* Cycle exact emulation of TED
- timers
- raster emulation (yet with some bugs)
* Full keyboard support
* RAM/ROM paging
* 100% joystick emulation
* Sound emulation with DirectSound
* 100% interrupt emulation
* Snapshot and program save
Machine Emulation:
* Commodore 16 with 16K Ram
* Commodore 16 with 64K Ram
* Commodore Plus4 with built-in programs