microM8 - Windows (32bit)

microM8 - Windows (32bit)
microM8 - Windows (32bit)
File Size:
18.20 MB
16 December 2019
39 x

Currently microM8 features HD windowed and full-screen 64k Apple II / II+ / 128k Apple IIe emulation with decent compatibility, USB and mouse-controlled joystick support, print and modem emulation, Mockingboard support, cloud disk library, 3D voxel rendering, 3D LOGO, enhanced BASIC interpreters, custom file browser and editor, remote screen sharing, WOZ, DSK, NIB, PO, 2MG and HDV disk format support, the ability to record and rewind live emulation, a web-debugger and much, much more.


* Cross-platform compatibility (with builds for macOS / OSX, Linux and Windows 32 and 64-bit) written in Go – use the same emulator on all your computers;
* True full-screen display at native HD resolution providing crisp output. 40/80 column text, GR / DGR / HGR / DHGR etc.
* OpenGL rendering allowing for traditional raster-style display, point and 3D voxel-based low-res and high-res modes with programmable camera movement;
* Colour and monochrome (B&W, green and orange tinted) modes, scanline intensity and aspect ratio;
* Apple II+, Unenhanced and enhanced 128K Apple //e (IIe) “Airheart-level” compatibility (almost everything runs), emulates both 6502 and 65C02;
* Mouse and USB gamepad paddle/joystick support (including dual-thumbstick Robotron support), open-apple and closed-apple keys;
* DSK, PO (800K), NIB, 2MG/HDV and Applesauce .WOZ copy-protected disk read/write support, along with the ability to arbitrarily load and execute binary, BASIC and LOGO programs;
* Integrated file manager with cloud-based disk library containing thousands of disk images, browse inside DSK/NIB, drag-and-drop disk mounting;
* Epson colour printer emulation (compatible with Print Shop, creates PDFs in microM8/MyPrints directory 15 seconds after printing stops!) and virtual telnet-based “modem” for calling BBSes using ProTerm etc.;
* 6-voice Mockingboard sound with stereo panning, and level mix with volume-controllable Apple II speaker audio, ability to record and play back Mockingboard “stream”, 16-bit channel mixing for high-fidelity sound;
* Z80 card for CP/M support;
* Experimental mouse support, GEOS and Dazzledraw “mousestick” controls (makes those applications’ joystick modes act like mouse input)
* 3D Applesoft BASIC (3DGR) and LOGO (move UP and DN!) interpreters with colour text, graphical character set, 80×48 text, enhanced graphics modes, built-in code editors and more;
* Network and internet-based client-to-client connections, chat and cloud-based “home” directory;
* Configurable via control-keys, “hamburger”-style menu and multiple YAML-based configuration “preset” files (stored in ~/microM8 directory);
* Extensive list of scriptable command-line functions including the ability to run binary code (and automatically quit on completion) without booting a DOS disk!
* Freezing (snapshots), memory recording (aka PVR) including “live rewind” (never say die!), “time warp” with automatic “fast disk” access;
* Take screenshots, copy and paste text (in and out);
* Run up to seven programs / disks at the same time, and communicate (via shared memory accesses) between them;
* Web-browser based debugger with numerous features to aid in machine language programming;
* microPAK self-contained “upcycling” file format includes a suite of configuration files that allow you to create new presentations for old games including colour-remapping, 3D pixel shifting, music, backdrops, overlays, memory cheats, control programs;
* Continuous deployment with built-in updater (need a feature? Just ask us! editor@paleotronic.com);
* 100% Free! (Did I mention free?)


A Frontend for microM8 can be found here.

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