emu6502 - Windows
emu6502 - Windows

emu6502 - Windows
20 September 2024
0 x
This is Apple ][ and Apple //e emulator written entirely in Rust, SDL and HTML5.
- 6502 / 65C02 cycle accurate emulation
- Passed Klaus Dormann 6502, 65c02 and decimal tests
- Passed Tom Harte Processor Test for 6502 (valid opcodes) and 65c02
- Disk II interface for floppy disk drives
- File Format supported (dsk, po, nib, woz version 1 and version 2.x including Flux image, hdv, 2mg)
- Language Card for Apple ][+
- Mockingboard support at Slot 4 and Slot 5
- Parallel printer card
- Apple IIe Extended 80-Column Text Card
- RGB cards: Apple's Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor Adaptor Card
- 60 Hz / 50Hz display mode support
- Video Scanline mode
- Support for Vapor-lock cycle counting demos e.g. megademo, mad2
- NTSC emulation supported
- Z80 Emulation
- Hard Disk support
- Tape Support (Only PCM, 8-bit and mono channel)
- Uthernet II support for TCP client application (e.g. A2Stream)
- Support for RamFactor 1 MiB and RamWorks III up to 8 MiB
- Support for Apple //c (Rom FF, 00, 3, 4, 5)
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