AMSpiriT (64bit)

AMSpiriT (64bit)
AMSpiriT (64bit)
File Size:
914.72 kB
1.01 RC
28 April 2024
193 x

AMSpiriT aims to reproduce as closely as possible the hardware behavior of a real CPC. In the spirit of an Amstrad CPC, the ergonomics has been thought to be as simple and intuitive as possible.

On the OS side, AMSpiriT is ready to be used with all the system and BASIC ROMs that have been marketed by AMSTRAD PLC and Locomotive Software. (English, French, Spanish and Danish ROMs). AMSpiriT emulates the cassette player through the reading of sound recordings in "WAV" or "CDT" format and emulates the floppy disk player through the reading of files in DSK format (standard and extended format).

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