GroovyMame - Linux (Wiimote) (32bit)

GroovyMame - Linux (Wiimote) (32bit)
GroovyMame - Linux (Wiimote) (32bit)
File Size:
36.31 MB
0.171 SR v0.015m
03 March 2016
202 x

GroovyMAME is a custom M.A.M.E. build mainly aimed at CRT monitors, as we are convinced CRT technology is a must when it comes to enjoying emulation in its full glory. However you can use GroovyMAME to alliviate some of the annoyances associated to emulation on LCD displays, specially for those models which are capable of refreshing at custom rates.


* Improved video and audio synchronization that achieves truly smooth scrolling, tearing-free video and hiccup-free sound.
* Automatic generation of custom video timings for CRT monitors.

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