
File Size:
405.59 kB
05 September 2004
180 x

DCSpeccyal K is an easy to use Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k & 128k emulator for the Dreamcast console.


* DC Keyboard support
* Save / load memory snapshots (they are zipped for space efficiency) to VMU
* Autodetects vmu card slot.
* Support for extra custom key files located on the cd (with .KEY extension)
* Emulates the 48k and 128k models
* Can load SNA / TAP / Z80 (v1.45, v2.01, v3) / SLT / TZX / SCR file formats
* Can handle most TZX turbo/special loaders
* TAP/TZX files autoloading|Virtual keyboard to enter any key.
* Full speed
* Mame z80 cpu core for great compatibility
* Beeper Sound and AY-3-8910 sound fully supported
* Options screen with options to choose the joystick emulation (sinclair1, sinclair2, cursor), the emulated hardware ... Options are be saved on the memory card.
* Kempston / Fuller joy emulation (these emulations are automatically selected when used in a game)
* Easy to use file browser
* Correct line by line border emulation
* Custom keys : key configs are saved for each game
* Fullscreen mode (temporary disabled)
* Bilinear on/off option (temporary disabled)

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