DCaSTaway is an atari ST emulator for the Dreamcast console.
* Fullspeed with sound.
* Fast FAME Motorola 68000 core by Fox68k.
* Hardware scaled resolutions.
* Supports MSA & ST disks images.
* Mouse & Keyboard Dreamcast supported.
* Virtual Keyboard with triggers L-R.
* X button Map a ST-key using X button under Virtual Keyboard.
* Joystick is emulated with digital pad + A,X buttons.
* Mouse is emulated with analog pad + Y,B buttons.
* Crystalline sound without lag.
* SH4 exceptions catched for stability.
* Superthrottle mode for speed up intros and loading time.
* Save disks changes to VMU.
* 2 floopy drives emulated.
* ZIP support.
* Filemanager with subdirectories access.
* Complete menu with 'start' button: load, frameskip, reset...
* 2 joysticks emulated.
* Under PAL dreamcasts ask 60-50Hz selection.
* Multidisk support.
* Overscan bottom border render.
* Atari ST video 50/60Hz switch support.
* Close to 100 % compatibility.