NesterJ RM
NesterJ RM
NesterJ RM
File Size:
428.59 kB
1.11 RM v1
06 August 2007
322 x
NesterJ PSP RM adds two new features to NesterJ PSP:
1) Rewind
2) Mirror mode
...With rewind (or "sands of time", if you prefer) you can warp back in time without worrying about saving states. If you made a mistake, you can press "rewind" button and undo it.... ....In mirror mode, like it's name says, all graphics are horizontally inverted. So, if your favorite platform game is played from left to right, this time you can have the choice of playing it from right to left, giving it a little novelty touch... ....I also added a minor feature. This one is a new color palette, a "sepia" palette, for even a more vintage look to all your favorite games....
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