Basilisk II for the PSP

Basilisk II for the PSP
Basilisk II for the PSP
File Size:
883.37 kB
31 July 2008
336 x

Basilisk II is a multi-platform Mac II emulator whose code is released under the terms of the GPL v2. As such, it is available on many different platforms, now including the PSP.


* Emulates a Mac II series machine running OS 7.0.1 through 8.1, depending on the ROM used.
* Uses UAE CPU emulation, with new SoftFloat FPU emulation for better compatibility.
* The PSP memstick can be mounted on the Mac desktop (requires File Manager 1.2).
* Supports on-the-fly change of colors and resolution (requires Display Manager).
* Has stereo, 16-bit, 44kHz audio (requires Sound Manager 3.0).
* Supports emulated floppy and CDROM with removable media (no CD audio yet).
* Supports up to four hardfiles for use as fixed drives.
* UDP tunnel for AppleTalk networking across WIFI (no general networking yet).
* Emulates a Mac Extended ADB keyboard and mouse. Buttons can be remapped on-the-fly, and popular IR keyboards are supported on the Phat PSP.
* Supports extra memory and TV out on the Slim PSP.

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