File Size:
388.74 kB
04 March 2025
93 x

Nintellivision - an Intellivision Emulator for the Nintendo DS/DSi. High compatibility, custom overlay support, high score saving and tons of input mapping.


* All known games run at full speed on a DSi or above.
* Many games run very close to full speed on the older DS-LITE and DS-PHAT hardware but you can play with config settings to get the most out of these games.
* Custom Overlay Support. See the 'extras' folder for details.
* Manual/Instruction Support. See the 'extras' folder for an example.
* Save Sate support (3 save slots per game).
* High Scores for up to 10 scores pre game with various sorting options.
* Cheat / Hack support using NINTV-DS.cht (see 'extras' folder and place in /data directory)
* Tons of button / controller mapping options. Dual-Controller support (run and shoot at the same time).
* JLP support for accelerated functions, extra RAM and flash memory. When loading a game, use the X button to load and force JLP support ON if not auto-detected.
* ECS support for ECS games including sound-enchanced games like Space Patrol (use ECS mini-Keyboard Overlay)


Install :

To make this work, place NINTV-DS.NDS on your flashcart or SD card which you can launch. You must supply the BIOS files in the same directory as your ROM files (can be changed in Global Options):

  • grom.bin
  • exec.bin

Optional is ivoice.bin for Intellivoice games. Optional is ecs.bin for ECS games.

The GROM and EXEC binaries are property of Intellivision and you will have to find them yourself. Don't ask. If you own Intellivision Lives, you likely have both files already somewhere in your house.

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