FEEL is a front-end for videogame emulators, especially designed for usage on a home cabinet, highly customizable, ideal for integrating any emulation system (MAME/MESS, Daphne, Fusion, ZSNes, WinVice, virtually any other).
Its user interface is designed for being controlled by arcade controls (joystick, buttons, spinners, trackballs), and hides Windows completely to the end-user. This makes it perfect to start automatically at Windows boot in an arcade-pc.
* Support for new MESS machines softwarelist structure (MAME/MESS 0.162+) – NEW!
* “On-the-air” update – NEW!
* Support for any MAME version/flavor (fully compatible with 0.162+)
* Support for vertical screens
* Support for LED control panels through SmartASD USB card
* Support for any commandline-controlled emulator
* Damn fast running on almost *any* outdated hardware (a P4 is more than good
Microsoft Windows XP (r) or later
.NET framework 3.5
XNA framework 3.1