GB Enhanced (Source)

GB Enhanced (Source)
GB Enhanced (Source)
File Size:
42.44 kB
04 April 2014
12 x

GB Enhanced (GBE for short) aims to be a fully functional Game Boy emulator. The goal is to create a highly portable emulator using C++ and SDL, document the Game Boy's functions through clear code, and add as many enhancements (scaling filters, cheats, custom sprites) as reasonably possible.


* Emulates MBC1, MBC2, MBC3, and MBC5 cartridges
* Saves battery-backed RAM
* Nearest-Neighbor scaling filters 2x - 4x
* Custom user-generated graphics
* Built-in screenshot capability
* Joystick support


The only requirement at this moment is SDL 1.2 and a C++ compiler. Linux users need only run the script to build with G++. Users on Windows can compile GBE easily as well. If MinGW is installed, and if the SDL 1.2 development files are installed in MinGW's directories, and the MinGW g++ executable is added to Windows' PATH environment variable, users need only run the compile.bat script to build GBE.

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